Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Poached Plums ~ In wine and water!

I have had Peaches and Plums as my comfort fruit ever since I am back from Delhi.
But that was summers! Come July and it hasn't stopped raining in Pune.
That means more comfort needed. Sigh!

Peaches are now very hard to find and Plums are now becoming scarce...slowly and steadily...

But fear not! I have the most amazing and perhaps the easiest of the plums recipes in hand this time.

Not that I had many options! With a full time job and a toddler who demands me to play ringa ringa roses with her every evening, the luxury of time spent in kitchen is getting questioned. And you would never hear me complaining! :)

I ended up making two batches. First one was in Red Wine by Sula ~ Satori ~ sweet and spicy!
The second batch was in water and brown sugar for our little Ozzy.

This recipe was adapted from The Kitchn

Recipe Follows:

In water

Ripe Plums
3 Tbsp Packed Brown Sugar
1/4 cup water
Few Cinnamon twigs ( you can use whole as well)
1/4 Tsp Cardamom seeds - crushed 
Lemon Peels ( you can use zest)

In wine

Ripe Plums - halved and pitted
4 Tbsp Packed Brown Sugar
1 cup Red Wine { I used Satori from Sula}
1 Whole Cinnamon stick 
1/4 Tsp Cardamom seeds - crushed 
3-4 cloves, crushed
3-4 Pepper corn, crushed


for water:

Combine water, brown sugar and cinnamon in a small pot on slow flame and bring it to boil.
Stir to dissolve the sugar.
Add whole Plums and lemon peels. Cover and let it simmer for 10 minutes.
Remove plums from the pot and continue to let the syrup simmer until thickened.
Allow the plums and syrup to rest for 5-10 minutes.
Serve warm.

for wine:

Combine wine, brown sugar, peppercorn, cloves and cinnamon in a small pot on slow flame and bring it to boil.
Place halved plums facing up into a pot and cover. Let it simmer for 10 minutes.
Remove plums from the pot and continue to let the syrup simmer until thickened.
Allow the plums and syrup to rest for 5-10 minutes.
Serve warm.


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