Sunday, November 25, 2012

Red Bean Vegetarian Enchiladas

I love eating out but trying new or different item on a menu card is not my forte.

Mexican food came under that category. No matter how many recipes I read and drooled on, I was always skeptical about trying them. For me the best of Mexican used to start and end with Nachos and salsa in a movie theater.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

Nutty Vanilla and Chocolate Cake

My first Love was my dad. He would take me out on dates, give me gifts, feed me chocolates and cakes and told me I'm the prettiest everyday.

Now when I see Ozzy with her dad, I start missing my dad.
Its weird how girls are so tuned in with their dads. I want Sid to share all those bonding methods that my dad shared with me, I still live in those moments.

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