Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chocolate Muffins

Muffins have always been a match for evening coffees whenever we were in a cafe.
So after cookies, muffins were the next big thing I wanted to try.

After searching the right recipe on internet for ages which had fairly good reviews ( I was a newbie and didn't follow any food bloggers then) I decided on a generic recipe found at allrecipes.com.

After spoiling 2 batches of Chocolate muffin and adjusting my new oven settings, I got through them finally!
The third and the fourth batch came out perfect. Soft and moist - heavenly treat with our evening coffee.

Sending 2 batches in trash were very disheartening for a muffin fan and I thought maybe I wont get any to eat today. I checked everything twice and since I am a new baker, I followed everything to the point written in that recipe.

While sending the third batch I decided to follow my instinct and changed settings accordingly. This time I changed the temperature, pulled them out before time and saved my muffins from burning again.
Voila...I got them out just in time and they were perfect.

I wish I had added some chocolate chips on my own...


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